Author: jeff

10 Ways to Celebrate Mom This Year Can’t wait to make a Simnel Cake? Here are some more imaginative ways to express your love, support, and gratitude to your mother. Moms are there for us no matter what, after all! In Other Posts: History of Mother’s Day 10 Ways to Celebrate Mom This Year

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Government Extends 2nd Term to Reclaim Learning Opportunities To make up for lost time resulting from a two-week delay in the reopening of educational institutions due to flooding, the government has decided to extend the dates for Term Two of the school calendar, according to Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu. At a conference on Thursday, Machogu disclosed that the second term would be extended for an indefinite period to allow schools to adequately cover the curriculum, especially for candidates getting ready for the national exams that are set for November of this year. Machogu specifically emphasized the need for Form…

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TSC July 2024 phase 2 Salary Increase Rolled out(B5-D5) Following an extensive screening process, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) completed the promotion of around 36,000 educators. In the process, several variables were taken into account. They covered things like keeping regional balance, performance appraisals, and the length of service at the current grade. The instructor ratings from the instructor Performance and Appraisal Development (TPAD) system were also considered. Phase 2 salary pay hike implemented in July 2024 (B5-D5) at TSC. Teachers are looking forward to the 2024 July phase 2 salary boost, which they were explicitly guaranteed by the Teachers…

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Machogu: 2155 Schools Might Not Reopen On Monday About 2,155 schools will not be able to resume for the second semester on Monday, even though President William Ruto had ordered that classes start on May 13. According to Cabinet Secretary for Education Ezekiel Machogu, about 5% of schools are struggling as a result of flood damage. Particularly impacted are seven counties, namely Tana River, Homa Bay, and Kisumu. These locations still require significant repairs before classes resume because of flood-related issues. According to Machogu, the affected institutions are looking into other options to make sure kids don’t miss out on…

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Kericho Man slashes his wife’s ears and says she doesn’t pay attention to him A manhunt has been initiated by Kericho police for a man who is suspected of having severed his wife’s ears on Wednesday. According to police, the man from Sigowet-Soin in Kericho County did the horrible deed because he was allegedly disobedient and did not obey orders. According to a police report, “the suspect escaped immediately after committing the crime.” After a fight broke out between them, the suspect claimed she was disobedient and chopped off both of her ears. The suspect is being sought after more…

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ODM Appoints 9-Member Disaster Response Team On Thursday, May 9, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), led by Raila Odinga, established a committee to support the federal government’s flood relief efforts. ODM said at the announcement that the party supported those affected by the nation’s flooding tragedy. “The ODM Party has formed a nine-person Disaster Response Team to coordinate a response and relief efforts to the ongoing crisis in response to the National Flooding Crisis,” the party’s statement stated. The people that make up the group are Benson Musungu, James Nyikal, Hamida Kibwana, Abbas Khalif, Eddy Gicheru, Nasra Nanda, Peter Imwatok,…

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‘It Hurts Me’: Linturi Breaks Down At Impeachment Hearing While speaking before a parliamentary committee on Thursday regarding his impeachment case, Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi became emotional. Linturi, who was on the verge of tears, told the committee that the attempt to remove him from office by impeachment stemmed from a personal grudge with his ex-wife, Marianne Kitany, who is presently serving as the Aldai Constituency Member of Parliament. He insisted that the court decisions cited in the impeachment motion, which justified his removal from office, were staged. “Parties or individuals with whom we were sadly friends but who,…

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More Rains Are Expected on Thursday and Friday, the Weatherman Says On Thursday and Friday, May 9 and 10, 2024, there will be continuous showers, the Kenya Meteorological Department has said. Met issued an update on Thursday stating that different parts of the nation will continue to see rain. The organization added that several areas of Western Kenya, the Rift Valley, the Central Highlands, the Lake Victoria Basin, the North Coast, and the Offshore will have significant rainfall.Kenyans were urged by the weatherman to plan ahead and take any necessary safety precautions. The Kenya Met said in its weather outlook…

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ODM disowns Uriri MP Nyamita over alleged disloyalty The Orange Democratic Movement has broken ties with MP Mark Nyamita of Uriri. In Summary: In a statement released on Wednesday, Party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna said that Nyamita was working with the UDA party. “The Party wants to completely distance itself from Hon. Nyamita at this point. We have honoured his request to leave our organization, and we have informed our members in Uriri and Migori in general that he is an agent of UDA tasked with causing division and confusion within ODM,” Sifuna stated. He advised members to view and…

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Raila: There is a plot to destabilise ODM strongholds but it won’t succeed Raila Odinga, the head of the ODM party, claimed on Thursday that there is a scheme to undermine its strongholds by using the state apparatus. After meeting with MPs from Kisii and Migori who are rumoured to have recently engaged in conflict with their UDA colleagues over the weekend, Raila made her statement. “The briefing has revealed a well-thought-out strategy to employ state force, specifically the police and the provincial administration, to undermine our strongholds,” Raila stated. But he has urged party members to be watchful and…

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